Peining Chen

Title: Professor</br> Research Interests: Fiber Optoelectronic Devices

Peining Chen, associate professor at Fudan University. He graduated from the College of Textiles of Sichuan University with a bachelor degree in engineering in 2010, and then got master degree from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Sun Yat-sen University in 2012. He then obtained PhD degree from Laboratory of Advanced Materials at Fudan University in 2016, under the supervision of Prof. Huisheng Peng. He then joined Prof. Edward Sargent’s group at University of Toronto as a postdoctoral fellow. After that, he joined Fudan University as an associate professor at December 2017. His current research mainly focuses on novel flexible electronic materials, device fabrication and function integration. He published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers on the leading journals such as Nature, Nature Nanotechnol., Adv. Mater. and Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., etc.

Research work:

His current research focuses on new smart flexible electronics with various electrical and/or optical properties, mainly including: 1) design, synthesis and fabrication of novel high-performing flexible electrode materials; 2) fabrication of smart fiber/textile electronic devices with useful functions; 3) multifunctional integration and application for fiber/textile devices.

Selected publications:

  1. Shi, X.#; Zuo, Y.#; Zhai, P.#; Shen, J.; Yang, Y.; Gao, Z.; Liao, M.; Wang, J.; Xu, X.; Tong, Q.; Zhang, B.; Sun, X.; Zhang, L.; Pei, Q.; Jin, D.; Chen, P.*; Peng, H.* “Large-area display textiles integrated with functional systems”, Nature 2021, 591, 240-245.

  2. He, J.#; Lu, C.#; Jiang, H.; Han, F.; Shi, X.; Wu, J.; Wang, L.; Chen, T.; Wang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, H.; Zhang, G.; Sun, X.; Wang, B.; Chen, P.*; Wang, Y.; Xia, Y.; Peng, H.* “Scalable production of high-performing long fibre lithium-ion batteries”, Nature 2021, 597, 57-63.

  3. Wang, L.#; Fu, X.#; He, J.; Shi, X.; Chen, T.; Chen, P.*; Wang, B.*; Peng, H.* “Application challenges in fiber and textile electronics”, Adv. Mater., 2020, 32, 1901971.

  4. Hu, Y.#; He, S.#; Xu, X.; Zhang, L.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Liu, P.; Wen, Y.; Ni, F.; Jia, M.; Zhang, B.; Chen, P.*; Peng, H.* “Photo-to-electricity generation of aligned carbon nanotubes in water” J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 1996-2001.

  5. Chen, P.; Xu, Y.; He, S.; Pan, S.; Deng, J.; Chen, D.; Peng, H.*, Hierarchically arranged helical fibre actuators driven by solvents and vapours, Nature Nanotech., 2015, 10, 1077.