Xunmei Sun

Title: Professor</br> Research Interests: Fiber Sensor

Xuemei Sun, Professor of Fudan University, received the Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Star Talent Project. In 2008, she graduated from East China University of Science and Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Polymer Chemistry and Physics. In 2013, she obtained a Ph.D.’s degree in polymer chemistry and physics from Fudan University. After graduating, she engaged in postdoctoral research in the physics mobile station of Fudan University. In 2015, she joined the Fudan University's Department of Macromolecular Science and the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of Polymers as a young associate researcher, and was promoted to associate professor in January 2018. In recent years, more systematic research work has been carried out in the field of carbon nanotubes/functional polymer composites. To date, more than 50 academic papers have been published, among which 22 papers have been published by the first and correspondent authors in the journals of Nature Protoc., Nature Rev. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., and Adv. Mater. A number of studies were reported by the Nature and Nature Journal as research highlights. 

Research work: 
Her research interests mainly include the following three aspects: a) Synthesis and preparation of carbon nanotubes/functional polymer composites; b) Response performance and mechanism study on oriented carbon nanotubes and their composite materials subjected to light, electricity, heat, etc.; c) Application study on oriented carbon nanotubes and their functional devices such as energy storage and sensing in the fields of biomedical and clinical detection. 

Honor and Award: 
As the host of the project, she assumed a project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund, and an important project of the Central Military Commission Scientific and Technical Committee, and presided over a talent project such as Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Star. In addition, she won the Shanghai Excellent Graduate Achievement (Ph.D. Dissertation), the International Pure and Applied Chemistry Federation Young Scientist Nomination Award, the Dow Chemical Sustainable Development Innovation Award, and the Shanghai Outstanding Graduates Award.